Zack Schofield

Zack Schofield is a law student from Muloobinba/Newcastle, the home of the world's largest coal port, and has been an organiser with climate defence movement Rising Tide since the group's re-founding in August 2022.

In other circumstances, Zack's loud chant-leading voice, belief in collective power, and earnest desire for relationship-building would have served the union movement. As a neighbour of the world's largest coal port, he now helps build social movement dynamics to take on the fossil fuel industry, while attempting to bridge the gap between environmentalists and organised labour.

Zack is a speaker at the conference session How can we win climate justice? 3:30pm AWST (Boorloo/Perth time), Sunday 30 June at the Boorloo Activist Centre in Boorloo/Perth.

  • For online attendees from Adelaide and Darwin the session will start at 5pm ACST, Sunday 30 June.

  • For online attendees from Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne and Sydney the session will start at 5:30pm AEST, Sunday 30 June.

  • UTC+8 hours
