By Susan Price

Dr Hawzhin Azeez, Kurdish academic and activist, creator of The Middle Eastern Feminist: It is yet another disgraceful act by the Australian government to prevent freedom of speech by denying the rights of Palestinian activist Leila Khaled to speak at the Ecosocialism 2024 conference in Perth this year.

Ms. Khaled poses no security threats and is a prominent and globally renowned human rights activist whose contributions are well recognised.

The Australian government must act immediately to overturn this decision even as the genocide in Gaza rages. Middle Eastern women activists and human rights activists are some of the most silenced voices on the international arena. It is essential that Ms Khaled is given an opportunity to speak on behalf of her people who are literally in the clutches of an ongoing genocide. 

The Australian government has a moral obligation to grant Ms Khaled a visitation visa urgently.

Hawzhin Azeez