APAN supports Leila Khaled’s right to speak in Australia
The Australia Palestine Advocacy Network stands in support of Palestinian refugee activist, Leila Khaled’s, participation in the Ecosocialism 2024 Conference in Perth in June this year, says APAN's president, Nasser Mashni.
Violet Coco, environment activist, jailed for activism: "Let Leila speak"
Violet Coco, environment activist, jailed for activism: "Let Leila speak"
Mark Gillespie, City of Sydney for Palestine: "Leila Khaled should not be silenced"
Mark Gillespie, City of Sydney for Palestine: Leila Khaled should not be silenced.
Carolyn Veg Ienna - First Nations activist and performer: Leila Khaled should be able to speak here in the colony called Australia
Carolyn Veg Ienna (First Nations activist, performer): As a First Nations person I feel Leila Khaled should be able to speak here in the colony called Australia. The hypocrisy of a coloniser stopping an activist from speaking truth is astounding on this continent and Palestine. Let her in to speak, Zionism shouldn't be directing who we let speak.